I know it is very easy to find peace, there, where it is evident to find it.
I know you know, it is within you and whereever you go, it goes.
But it is not always present, neither you show it indeed.
Because you limit it with your absurd thoughts.
However, I also know it is easy that it comes up when you are meditating.
I know it is easy to find peace in your class of yoga or when you repeat a mantram, or when you pray. I know it is easy to find peace in a church, no matter the religion.
I know is easy to find peace somewhere in the world where they medítate all day long. It is easy to find peace in the woods, in the mountains, on the beach and in the middle of nature.
I know it is easy to find peace by doing something that one loves, somehting that makes you forget the world or when you are “happy”.
It is easy to find peace within a relationship when they do the things you like, when they do everything to keep you comfortable or when nobody disagrees with you.
However, an external and apparent peace does not mean inner peace due to that peace must be complete to be considered real. This is because peace is a mental state.
Find your peace when you need it the most.
It is within you but it is up to you to know it and to keep it,
Use it to it was meant to be; to bring light into a world full of apparent darkness.
Find peace in the middle of traffic, in the middle of stress and hurry. Find peace when they judge you or others, by forgiving.
Find peace when it seems they hurt you with words or deeds. Find peace in infedility and in disappointment, by forgiving. Find peace in your apparent solitude or when someone who is wrong, thinks is right. Find peace in the apparent death, disease, tragedy and depression.
Seek peace when you want to scream the most.
Seek peace when you want to cry the most.
Seek peace when your ego is screaming at you that it does not want it because this is just the right when you need it the most and it is when you must work with it within you.
Let yourself be guided by the Truth and the Love. Trust in that divine Energy within you.
Jump! Trust completely and wings will appear! Dont doubt even for an instant.
Trascend any kind of error without its magnitude.
Take it contrary and be humble. Forgive.
As soon as you react and you decide, you become part of the problem instead of being part of the solution. As soon as circumstances allow, look within yourself.
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